Meet Gavin and Deidre

Our win at Clear Creek is to help someone take their next step to become more like Jesus.  Though everyone’s next step is completely dependent on where they are (and will therefore look different) this is the metric we use to evaluate everything we do in our church family.   But what is even better than helping someone take their next step?   Creating an environment where helping someone take their next step means showing them how they can help other people take their next step. Then they can show others…who can show others…and on it goes.  So with that in mind, I would like for you to meet…

Gavin and Deidre.

Gavin and Deidra loved their small group.  It was challenging.  It was safe.  It provided care.  It’s the only group they have ever been a part of in all their time at Clear Creek, and the relationships that were created made it feel less like friends and more like family.

Gavin and Deidre decided to leave their small group.  It challenged them to find and take their next step to be more like Jesus. It provided a safety and care that they realized others didn’t have but that they could help provide. They realized that there are many people who, in all their time at Clear Creek, need relationships that make others feel less like friends and more like family.

Gavin and Deidre are starting a new small group.  They want it to challenge others to find their next step to be more like Jesus.  They will make sure it provides safety and care for those who are in the group.  They will use it as a place to launch out future leaders to go and find people who, in all their time at Clear Creek, haven’t been able to form relationships that make others feel less like friends and more like family.
Be like Gavin and Deidre.
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