God Used Those Cookies

Each year on the day before school starts, Clear Creek hosts a “Teacher Luncheon” for 5 of our Hixson Community Schools. We do our best to present a cheerful atmosphere by decorating the tables in the gym and provide a delicious meal to show our appreciation for these teachers. We have our Clear Creek kids that attend these schools come to help serve drinks and desserts to these teachers.

When time rolled around to begin the planning of this event we knew that our usual way of showing love to these teachers would look a little different. We had to think outside the box. We knew that many teachers would not feel comfortable coming into our building, much less eating out during this time. So, we began to brain storm a way that we could reach every teacher in these 5 community schools.

It was finally decided that we would give each teacher a back to school cookie. We ordered cookies from 2 local bakeries. A few of our students that attend these schools met at the building (with masks on) to help place a label on each cookie wrapper. The labels had a little note letting the teachers know that Clear Creek Church is praying for them.
Once we had finished placing labels and counting out the number of cookies, we all gathered together to pray over these cookies. Each person that prayed had their own unique prayer for these schools, teachers and students. After we prayed I thought to myself, “How cool is it that our God hears every one of these prayers. He knows all of our worries and He loves us enough to listen to each of our prayers.”

It was not 2 hours before I started receiving text messages from teachers saying how much they needed that encouragement and would love the continued prayers from us. The level of anxiety and stress these teachers were experiencing was difficult to hear. I know that God used those cookies to try to calm these teachers. He used those cookies to let them know they are appreciated and loved. He used them to reassure these teachers that He is with them and offers them comfort and rest.

If even for 5 minutes while these teachers ate their cookie, each one of them knew that someone thought of them and was praying for them as they start this school year.
This year looked very different for our annual “Teacher Luncheon”, but instead of providing a meal for just some of the teachers in our community, Clear Creek was able to give every teacher in the Hixson Community a treat to show them God’s love (close to 400 teachers). It is a great to know that God has blessed Clear Creek with resources so we can show our community teachers they are appreciated and loved. We serve a mighty God!
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