Our goal is that each student feels loved and accepted no matter who they are, what they look like, or how many friends they have.

Youth Group is for 6-12 graders. One of our primary focuses is building relationships with the youth that extend beyond just knowing their name and school. Jesus modeled discipleship by pouring into his apostles' lives. We hope to do the same.
QUICK LINKS | Upcoming Activities - Forms - Ministers

weekly study gatherings 

The youth group meets each week in THE CREEK youth room, just off from the gym.

Sunday | 10:15am

Wednesday | 6:30-7:30pm (Doors open at 6:00pm)

upcoming activities


  • Feb. 13, Thursday: All Girls Galentine Party | (6:00-7:30pm) in the Creek
  • Feb. 14-16, 2025, Friday-Sunday: Winterfest in Gatlinburg
    Theme: "Jesus is." Middle School & High School students are invited to join us for an awesome trip to Winterfest – a HUGE youth rally held each year in Gatlinburg. Thousands of students and adults gather for several sessions featuring excellent entertainment, powerful worship, and engaging speakers delivering wonderful messages meant to encourage and challenge students in their faith. Trip Details | Schedule
  • Feb. 23, & Mar. 16, Sunday:  MS/HS Split Sunday

  • March 8, Saturday:  All Girls Devo & Connection | (9:00am-12:00pm) in the Creek
  • March 29, Saturday:  All Boys Devo & Connection | (6:00-8:00pm) in the Creek

  • April 16, Wednesday: Youth Family Worship Night | (6:30-7:30pm) in the Creek
  • April 20, Sunday:  Easter Sunday
  • April 27, Sunday:  Summer Youth Parent Meeting and Lunch

  • May 21, Wednesday:  All Youth Summer Kick Off Party | (6:00-8:00pm) at church on the back field
  • May 25, Sunday:  Interns first Sunday
  • June 5, Thursday:  Six Flags all youth | (9:00am-7:00pm)
    Cost for the trip $37 for ticket, and bring money for lunch and souvenirs at the park and fast food dinner on the way home.
  • June 12, 19 & 26, Thursday:  HS/MS Lunch Bunch | (11:30-1:00pm) location TBD each week
  • July 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31, Thursday:  HS/MS Lunch Bunch | (11:30-1:00pm) location TBD each week
  • July 15, Tuesday:  MS/HS Craverstone | (6:00-8:00pm) location TBD
  • August 2, Saturday:  Thrift Store Prom Night | (7:00-9:30pm) in the Creek. Wear your tackiest prom outfit.
  • August 3, Sunday:  Interns Last Day

Middle School

  • Feb. 23, Sunday:  Martin Boyd Worship | (3:00-4:00pm) at Martin Boyd Christian Home. (details to come)
  • June 3, 10, 17 & 24, Tuesdays:  MS Cornerstone | (6:00-8:00pm) location TBD
  • June 13-16, Friday-Monday:  Junior Impact | Details & Registration
  • July 1, 8, 22 & 29, Tuesdays:  MS Cornerstone | (6:00-8:00pm) location TBD
  • July 9-10, Wednesday-Thursday: MS Service Days | We will partner with various ministries in our own backyard of Chattanooga. Through these service projects we will model Christ's likeness through engaging with others in our community. This will be an excellent opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus while loving our neighbors who also call this city home. More details to come as to which ministries we will partner with and times.
  • July 24-27, Thursday-Sunday: Summer Camp
    For those who have completed grades 6-8.  Details to come; registration opens in April. 

High School

  • April 13, 27 & May 4, Sundays:  College 101 Class
  • May 18, Sunday: Senior Recognition
  • June 16-21, Monday-Saturday:  Senior Impact | Details & Registration
  • June 3, 10, 17 & 24, Tuesdays:  HS Crave | (6:00-8:00pm) locations TBD
  • July 1, 8, 22 & 29, Tuesdays:  HS Crave | (6:00-8:00pm) locations TBD
  • July 16-19, Wednesday-Saturday:  HS Domestic Trip | More details to come.



Brecken Joice

Blair Bailey

Youth Minister (coming end of 2024)