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September 12, 2024


Sunday Worship Schedule:  Worship Times

Oct. 8:  Songbook Sing Along:  Join us at 2:00pm in the café for a Songbook Sing Along, an extra opportunity during the week to get together and sing some of your favorite hymns of all-time.  Songbooks provided!  A group will go to lunch before the Sing Along.  Please RSVP to the church office to ride the church bus.

Nov. 3: Friends and Family Day Fall Festival:  Save the Date! 

Adult Sunday Morning Bible Classes. Join a Bible study class on Sunday at 10:15am. All of our Bible classes focus on: Reflecting On Scripture (studying in a way that leads to application and transformation), Service (providing opportunities to serve both on Sunday morning and during the week), and Connection (fostering relationships that can be deepened through small groups).

Current Sunday Adult Engagement Options at 10:15am. Visit for more information.

Please invite college age and young professionals to attend a class just for them Sundays at 10:15am in Room A9. 

For additional information, please click links for Kids, Youth, and Upcoming Activities.

Get Connected. Taking your next step to become more like Jesus is best done with others who are on the same journey. If you don't have a dedicated group of people to walk alongside with you, we will help you find a group

We rejoice in the baptism of Ellie Blazek on Aug. 25!

We rejoice in the baptism of Anna Johnston on Sept. 4 in Knoxville, where she is a student at UTK.

We rejoice in the baptism of Evan Scharff on Sept. 1!

We rejoice in the baptism of Noah Holcomb on Sept. 1!

We rejoice in the baptisms of Dean Conwill, Lily Conwill, Hunter Smith, Lexi Taylor, Lucas White, Payton White, and Tatum White on August 25, Clear Creek's Baptism Sunday!  

We express sympathy to Jan Hudgins, Gail Bales, and family on the passing of their father, Ralph Fickle, on Aug. 25.  Obituary

Our Mission is to reach the next person for Jesus.  Pray for the one person or one family you would like to get connected to God. 

SEPT. 15    JESUS’ COMMISSION: Where do you plan to go this week? Do you plan to go to work, go to school, go to the gym, go to brunch? At the end of his ministry, Jesus tells us where he wants us to go. So, maybe the better question is: are you going where Jesus is sending you? Find out this Sunday for part 35 of Field Guide to the Bible.

Join us in-Person at 9:00am (acapella) or at 11:15am (instrumental) or Livestream at or

Please remember Haiti in your prayers and our partner Every Eye Will See Him Ministry serving the Haitians.

Jan Fulton, mother of April Johnston, is in Memorial ICU with severe cardiac issues. No visitors at this time. Prayers are appreciated.

Leann Davis has been diagnosed with breast cancer and had surgery Sept. 11 to remove the cancer.  Prayers are appreciated.  A meal train has been set up following surgery.

Ken Huntoon requests prayers for his upcoming procedure on Sept. 19 to install a sleep apnea device. 

Becky Dolberry, sister in law of Connie Lowe and Keith Dolberry, has been diagnosed with lung cancer.  She will begin chemo and radiation treatment.  Becky is also the full time caregiver for her husband Ronnie who is in poor health.  Prayers are appreciated.  

Charlie Smelley has finished his rounds of chemo and is now taking a medication every six weeks with less side effects than the chemo.  Continued prayers appreciated.

Dottie Curls, Jan Hudgin's aunt, has been diagnosed with colon cancer and masses in parietal peritoneum and is under Hospice Care.

Doug Curls, Jan Hudgin's cousin, is in liver failure and is awaiting a liver transplant.

Edithann Broadrick is home following a hospital stay and rehab.  The Dr. took her off of one of her medicines that causes joint pain and she is feeling some pain relief.

Jim Brasher had surgery July 30 to remove the tumor and repair his bladder.  Pray as he recovers.  

Ruth Ann Lavender, mother of Bonnie Ray, is back at Dominion following surgery/rehab Jul. 10 for a fractured femur.  Prayers appreciated as she heals.

Lamar Lowery, brother of Karen Hulvey, started chemo for a tumor in his liver. Cards of encouragement and hope as he deals with treatment are appreciated: 140 Sky Drive Wildwood, GA 30757.

Carol Bryant, mother of Carmen Jenkins, has been diagnosed with lung cancer that has metastasized to her bones and brain.  They were able to identify the mutation, which is good news.  Please pray that the treatments help prolong and improve her quality of life.

Kathy Neilson, sister of Bonnie Ray, prayers are appreciated for her care.

Lanie Jones, cousin of Sheila Swink, is responding well to the chemo treatment for multiple myeloma. Her lab tests have been good, and she will be continuing the same treatment. She is so appreciative of all the prayers.

If you would like to be added to the "senders list" to receive the mission families reports through email, please contact the church office at or 423-877-6232 to be added.


Service Opportunities for Groups: Connect with our community face to face by service to others. Many opportunities are available.

If you are not part of a group and would like information, go to

For details and other children's dates, go to: 

For details and other youth dates, go to:

Sept. 20: Ladies Night Sisters Fiesta: (6:00-8:00pm) in the cafe. Ladies! join us for a Sisters Fiesta! Beginning at 6:00 in the café, we will share a catered meal together, play some games, and begin to explore ways that we, as sisters, can find community with others. We are excited to see how God will use our time together to move us into deeper community as together, we work to reach the next person for Jesus! Be sure to invite a friend. Please register and let us know you're coming!

Monday Ladies Group: The group will take a break from a study through August and will resume September 16 starting the Revelation Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom study by Jen Wilkin — 10:00 in A8.  In August they will continue to meet for lunch on Mondays at Mimi's at 11:30.  

Tuesday Ladies Group:  Will resume meeting Tuesday, September 10 at 11:00am in the cafe, studying Ancient Roads.  They will go to lunch after class at Home Folks at 12:00 and return for the Sing Along at 2:00.

CRITI:   9/3: Smith, 9/17: Goodrich/Downs, 9/24: Aulich/Sanders

Friday Morning Group meets at 6:30am in the conference room.


11 Sam Russell, Zack Willmore
12 Jake Bramlett, Rosemary Carson
13 Ava Goodrich, Katherine Harris, Gregory Long
14 Asher Faulkner, Gary Sanders
15 Evan Bain
16 Millie Sides
17 Brock Beach, Nell Harris, Asher Mynatt, Cathie Pinion, Carrie Willmore
18 Logan Drake, Matt Henley, John Hodges, Patrick Mount
19 Riley Dolberry, Weston Hodges, Ty Mathis, Randy Osby
20 Emily D'Amico
21 Maggie Boshers, Adam Gray, Delores Ridge, Caylee Schannuth, DeAnn Tomshack
22 Kacie Foos
23 Bill Childs, Tony Garibaldi, Bill Greer, Pam Joyner, Caroline Ring, Tracey Underwood